
React DnD Preview NPM Version dependencies Status devDependencies Status

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This project is a React component compatible with React DnD that can be used to emulate a Drag’n’Drop “ghost” when a Backend system doesn’t have one (e.g. react-dnd-touch-backend).

See the migration section for instructions when switching from 4.x.x or 6.x.x.


npm install -S react-dnd-preview

Usage & Example

Just include the Preview component close to the top component of your application (it places itself absolutely).

It is usable in different ways: hook-based, function-based and context-based. All of them receive the same data formatted the same way, an object containing the following properties:

The function needs to return something that React can render (React component, null, etc).

See also the examples for more information.


import { usePreview } from 'react-dnd-preview'

const MyPreview = () => {
  const preview = usePreview({ placement: 'top', padding: {x: -20, y: 0 }})
  if (!preview.display) {
    return null
  const {itemType, item, style, ref} = preview;
  return <div className="item-list__item" ref={ref} style={style}>{itemType}</div>

const App = () => {
  return (
    <DndProvider backend={MyBackend}>
      <ItemList />
      <MyPreview />


import { Preview } from 'react-dnd-preview'

const generatePreview = ({itemType, item, style}) => {
  return <div className="item-list__item" style={style}>{itemType}</div>

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <DndProvider backend={MyBackend}>
        <ItemList />
        <Preview generator={generatePreview} />
        // or


import { Preview, Context } from 'react-dnd-preview'

const MyPreview = () => {
  const {itemType, item, style} = useContext(Preview.Component)
  return <div className="item-list__item" style={style}>{itemType}</div>

const App = () => {
  return (
    <DndProvider backend={MyBackend}>
      <ItemList />
        <MyPreview />
        // or
          {({itemType, item, style}) => <div className="item-list__item" style={style}>{itemType}</div>}


Migrating from 6.x.x

Starting with 7.0.0, react-dnd-preview doesn’t have a default export anymore.


import Preview from 'react-dnd-preview'


import { Preview } from 'react-dnd-preview'

Migrating from 4.x.x

Starting with 5.0.0, react-dnd-preview will start passing its arguments packed in one argument, an object {itemType, item, style}, instead of 3 different arguments (itemType, item and style). This means that will need to change your generator function to receive arguments correctly.


MIT, Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Louis Brunner